Photographs on the Telegram social messaging app showed 51-year-old Efremov to be a thick-set, jowly man. He was reportedly travelling in a car blown up by a landmine. Another Russian army officer was ...
He was reportedly travelling in a car blown up by a landmine. Another Russian army officer was also killed. Denis Pushilin – head of the occupied Donetsk, which Putin annexed in 2022 – knew ...
The artist, who died at 85, used Indigenous imagery like the canoe and the buffalo the way Warhol used soup cans. By Jillian Steinhauer Claire Tabouret, an artist in Los Angeles, was chosen to ...
The former DP has consolidated support in his Mt Kenya backyard, having recently met with Karua. He has hosted a series of strategic meetings at his Wamunyoro residence to solidify regional backing.