Disney had enormous success in 2019 with Jon Favreau’s “The Lion King,” a remake of the beloved 1994 animated movie that used ...
"Mufasa: The Lion King" is directed by Barry Jenkins and serves as both a prequel and sequel to 2019's "The Lion King," a ...
Mufasa: The Lion King finally explains Scar's backstory, with one of the prequel's reveals making this The Lion King line so ...
Sarabi shines with regal grace and strength in Mufasa: The Lion King. A queen and mother whose wisdom and resilience are pivotal to the Pride Lands' legacy. Mufasa The Lion King - 5 Days Countdown ...
The Lion King star Tiffany Boone said the prequel film, in theaters Friday, forced her to overcome a childhood fear of singing in public. Boone, 37, voices Sarabi, a lion that Mufasa (Aaron Pierre ...
Screenwriter Jeff Nathanson breaks down how 'Mufasa,' now in theaters, connects back to original 'Lion King' saga.
What works for Mufasa: The Lion King isn’t particularly Mufasa-Taka ... are on the run with Outsiders tracking them. Mufasa meets Sarabi (Tiffany Boone), the lioness from Pride Lands who grows ...
Quotes from around the basketball world on LeBron James' longevity as he turns 40 on Monday: “It’s always a blast. The competitive spirit, the history, his greatness, it allows me to just appr ...
Written by Jeff Nathanson and directed by Barry Jenkins, “Mufasa: The Lion King” tells the origin ... through which they meet young lioness Sarabi, wise mandrill Rafiki and bossy hornbill ...
As a fan of The Lion King, Boone always saw Sarabi as the “perfect” wife, mother and queen, so she wanted fans to get a taste of Sarabi’s personality before she became Mufasa’s loyal partner.