A Springfield restaurant officially reopened its doors at its new location months after a fire forced the business to move.
Southern dishes are a vital part of American cuisine, from hush puppies to ham hocks and beignets to barbecue. It's ...
Across the intersection of Fourth and Adams streets, the 400 block of East Adams Street has been closed to vehicular traffic ...
Some Springfield aldermen had questions about who the city appointed to be the new Planning and Economic Development director ...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) - Springfield Mayor Ken McClure is challenging the community for a cleaner and greener Springfield in 2025.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo–We all know that Hammons Field is a gem of a baseball park in the heart of downtown Springfield. But ...
You may have noticed that the cost of eggs is up again and that there are not many options in the grocery store.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) -The MODOT traveler’s map shows that several of the main roads in the metro area are mostly wet, but ...
Several cold weather shelters will be open tonight (1/3/25) as winter weather heads into the Ozarks. Eleven volunteer-run ...
President Woodrow Wilson in 1916 signed the act creating the National Park Service to leave natural and historic phenomenons ...