Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray on Thursday attacked the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, stating the party once said the leaders involved in a multi-crore scam would be put behind bars, ...
PUNE: Maharashtra cabinet minister Uday Samant on Wednesday pushed for formulating a strict policy to deal with people who he ...
HT at Sundance | Amel Guellaty provides a refreshing addition to the coming-of-age story, aided with wonderful performances ...
Sabar Bonda made history as the first Marathi feature film to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival this year.
A queer Marathi language romantic drama with the mottled, lingering emotional punctuation if not always the verbal pithiness ...
But one club in Bengaluru is experimenting with the concept and has been hailed on social media for being a safe space for women wanting to enjoy a drink and good music. A video of the club, posted by ...
The Indian box office in 2024 revealed a fascinating, if troubling, narrative about audience behavior and industry strategies. On one hand, the average ticket price (ATP) experienced a modest ...
Fatty liver disease, once seen mainly in adults, is now affecting children due to poor lifestyles, including junk food consumption and lack of exercise. Overweight and obesity are significant ...
Silent Witness returns to our screens for season 28, and as well as dealing with five complex new cases, Nikki and Jack also have a wedding to plan. "I think the interesting dynamic is..
Spotify has sweet tunes, but it isn't the only music streaming service that's worth a listen. Explore the top options by pressing play on these expertly tested, recommended picks. My career has ...
Who could ever have imagined that, one day, all of our favorite music, artists, and albums would have entire discographies that you could access on your smartphone or tablet from pretty much ...