Flaherty, the commission's former general counsel, signed the agreement Friday for a total of $253,669.51, according to a ...
The cost of work on water and wastewater services are on the rise. The city of Hutchinson has for several years had in place a policy to address water service repairs between the main and curb ...
A preliminary report showing how the 12 communities in the Quabbin Reservoir watershed might be able to get potable water ...
BJP has promised 50,000 government jobs, a poll promise the AAP has one-upped, saying it will provide jobs to all youth. The ...
The lack of adequate rezoning capacity and the cumbersome approval processes create a perfect storm of unaffordability and ...
Auto-Owners’ optional Renters Plus package provides insurance for issues like food spoilage from power outages and water backup of sewer or drains. Renters insurance rate for $200,000 of ...
Winhall, Jamaica, Londonderry and Weston are working together to solve a shortage of affordable or workforce housing. At a ...
The worst offender among the ten water and sewerage suppliers is Wessex Water. Almost half of their household bills is swallowed up in debt and dividend costs.
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