Heldigvis har den danske regering ikke ladet sig provokere og intimidere af Donald Trump. Til gengæld er særligt Mette Frederiksen gået på jagt efter det modsvar, selv ikke Donald Trump og USA reelt ...
Indonesia boasts the world’s biggest Muslim population. Plenty of Japanese use the mosque to pray, officials said. “We hope to make this mosque a place that all Muslims feel free to visit ...
Once Sancho slimmed down enough to be able to ride properly, he reclaimed his lost crown with the help of Muslim troops. Physicians from Islamic countries during the late Middle Ages enjoyed great ...
The reason there has been a split into different branches is due to differences in belief about who was the rightful successor to the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the Muslim community after his ...
Over the last couple of months, things have shifted slightly because of the rhetoric coming out of the White House and also the fact that President Trump’s talking about tariffs not just as a way of ...
Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI) varsler om risikoen for tæt tåge eller rimtåge i den sydlige del af landet. Samtidig ...
Fra Paris til Berlin og videre til London. Statsministeren rejser i disse dage Europa tyndt, mens hun sikrer sig Danmarks ...
Mette Frederiksen og regeringen kom skidt ind i opgøret med Donald Trump. Men hun har siden formået at levere et solidt diplomatisk modsvar - stærkt sekunderet af Troels Lund Poulsen, skriver Thomas ...
Forsvarsundtagelsen skal fjernes, så Danmark kan få mere medbestemmelse i det europæiske forsvarssamarbejde, mener Michael Aastrup Jensen. Dette indlæg er alene udtryk for skribentens egen holdning.
Politisk leder for Moderaterne Lars Løkke Rasmussen lancerede sin "arbejdskraft-trumf" efter et sommergruppemøde på LO-skolen i Helsingør tirsdag 29. august 2023.
In Islamic history, this month is important as it includes a few events from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and major incidents that shaped the initial future of the Muslim community. This is ...