“One of the goals [of astrobiology] is to go to [other worlds] and look for microorganisms, but in the meantime there’s so ...
To solve that problem, a team of German researchers at the Technical University in Berlin figured that, instead of having a ...
Astrobiologists in Germany are developing a new testing device that could help tease dormant alien microbes into revealing ...
A new chemotaxis-based method could revolutionize the search for extraterrestrial life by detecting microbes movement on Mars ...
Finding life on another planet would be a world-changing discovery for humanity. But actually detecting it is no simple task.
Researchers have now developed a simple test that could get us closer to the answer. The new method involves looking for ...
The search for alien life could be boosted by a simple new test, say scientists. They believe the movement of microbes may ...
A graphic of Mars' Valles Marineris, where robotic missions could seek out potential microbes in briny environments. Credit: NASA / JPL / Arizona State University "The bacteria Pseudoalteromonas ...
The search for alien life could be boosted by a simple new test, say scientists. They believe the movement of microbes may ...
Boffins plan to set a vampire trap to lure out aliens hiding on Mars using a chemical in human blood. Astrobiologists are ...
Deep subsurface microbes are highly diverse, challenging assumptions about life in low-energy environments. This discovery ...
Makuch, an astrobiologist at Technical University Berlin, has put forward a striking theory suggesting that NASA's Viking ...