Iowa leads the nation in the percentage of its electricity it generates from wind and solar, showing that the transition ...
Explore how the U.S. Corn Belt's farming practices boost rainfall through precipitation recycling, reshaping regional weather ...
Now, he said, he’s working with the federal government to bring similar initiatives to other Midwestern states ... Tesdell walks through a harvested corn field in fall 2024.
With profit margins on corn and everything else that Midwestern farmers produce now razor-thin ... He spends hours in his fields on foot. Carrying a spade, he probes roots and checks carefully to see ...
For eight years, Taddeo followed the three women of the book’s title, Maggie, Lena and Sloane, living through the cold Indiana and North Dakota winters, eating in the diners they worked in, driving ...
April Hemmes is facing off against unrelenting bouts of heat amid verdant fields of soybeans and corn in Hampton, north-central Iowa. A fourth-generation small Midwestern farmer, Hemmes works more ...
Bianca Tse is among a growing number of artists embracing AI. “It’s shortened the path between my ideas and my visions,” said ...
Direct Payments to Farmers Paul Neiffer’s analysis of the $10 billion in financial aid included in the CR calculates what the possible payments could be, including $43 per acre for corn ...
Nestled in the heart of Illinois farmland, this cylindrical wonder stands tall and proud, like a metallic lighthouse guiding ...
The Has Bin Guest House is a perfect example of the hidden gems that are scattered across this great state of Illinois. It’s ...