It can also happen without acute symptoms or known infection. In this case, the cause is unknown. Orchitis alone is mostly from a mumps virus (or other virus) infection. "Mumps orchitis" appears in ...
We report a case of melioidosis presenting as suppurative epididymo-orchitis with chronic prostatitis in a patient after a trip to Myanmar.
Mumps is a contagious viral infection that can lead to serious complications, including meningitis and orchitis. Despite the availability of effective vaccines, mumps outbreaks have been reported ...
Mumps may infect organs other than the salivary glands. For instance, the disease may cause testicles to swell. This condition is known as orchitis. When the testicles are impacted, the sterility ...
Mumps is a contagious illness caused by a virus ... This can lead to major consequences, including seizures, stroke, or death. Orchitis. This is inflammation and swelling of one or both testicles.
The clinical and pathologic findings of a patient who died from diffuse myocardial disease 8 months after an attack of mumps is presented. His illness was complicated by myocarditis, ...
An 18-year-old boy, a refugee from Afghanistan, with no significant medical history, presented after 1 day of severe left testicular pain. History, clinical examination and scrotal ultrasound ...
i such steep surge in other states may also lead to other complications like orchitis, meningoencephalitis and increased morbidity children are more vulnerable to mumps due to several factors ...