Činohra SND odpremiérovala komediálnu drámu Tajomstvo Santa Vittorie, ktorá vznikla na motívy knihy amerického spisovateľa ...
Prosecutors presented cell tower tracking data, testimony from several people leading up to Na’Ziyah’s disappearance and the girl’s belongings found in an area Butts was reportedly seen in the days ...
Aktualizované 12:05 V Žiline na Vysokoškolákov sa v križovatke pri pumpe Shell zrazili dve autá. Aktualizované 11:10 Na vjazde do Ražnian z Jarovnice skončilo osobné auto mimo cesty, blokovaný je ...
Ceny pohonných látok prudko vzrástli na začiatku nového roka. Benzín 98 bol najdrahší za posledných päť mesiacov a motorová nafta dosiahla priemernú cenu spred pol roka. Ceny vybraných pohonných látok ...
DETROIT (WXYZ) — After the final day of the preliminary hearing Thursday, the suspect in the disappearance and murder of 13-year-old Na'Ziyah Harris, Jarvis Butts ...
(CBS DETROIT) — A preliminary examination for a Detroit man charged in the murder of missing 13-year-old Na'Ziyah Harris adjourned in the middle of a witness's testimony on Wednesday. Jarvis ...
ale v skutočne zlom počasí alebo pri zápche na diaľnici sa vám môže ľahko stať, že sa vám kvapalina minie skôr, než dorazíte k „pumpe“. Riešiť to, až keď sa rozsvieti kontrolka nízkej hladiny ...
Detroit — A Detroit man accused of killing 13-year-old Na'Ziyah Harris had a sexual relationship with her prior to her death and had been searching online for methods to get an abortion ...
He's accused of sexually assaulting and killing 13-year-old Na'Ziyah Harris, who disappeared Jan. 9, 2024. Sgt. Shannon Jones, the officer in charge of the case, was that witness and will continue ...
finale. Ahead of this episode Jude Law said we would learn a lot about his character, pirate Jod Na Nawood, and many thought that would be a flashback episode about his origin story. That did not ...
Her case almost went cold until later in the year when Jarvis Butts was arrested in connection to Na’Ziyah’s disappearance. Police began investigating her case as a homicide. Recommended ...