If you spend any time hunched over your phone or your computer or constantly holding tension through your shoulders or jaw, ...
Are there any benefits to sleeping with seven pillows? And how many pillows is too many? We ask a chiropractor for answers ...
However, when fewer pillows are used, thus resulting in a lower overall height, the spine is able to maintain a more neutral ...
Stress is one of the common culprits of various health challenges including neck and upper back pain However to relieve stress and its associated physical symptoms it is important to understand the li ...
The best pillows for neck pain promote neutral spinal alignment, resulting in a more comfortable night's sleep. Here are our ...
When 'stomach gripping' messes with the muscles in your abdomen, your neck, shoulders and back pay the price in pain. Chest ...
Physiotherapist Samantha Spiegel has issued a warning to those who prefer to sleep on two pillows at night. In a video shared ...
If you’ve ever had a crick in your neck—you know, one of those sudden, stabbing, tingly pains that seemingly strikes without ...
If you're dealing with persistent neck pain or if it's accompanied by other worrisome symptoms like arm weakness, tingling, ...
Medical professionals raise concerns over the hidden dangers of chiropractic neck manipulations as new cases emerge.