Through a series of vignettes, Kauffman’s fifth novel centers on a woman determined to spend Christmas with her extended ...
Peggy Gavan tells PEOPLE about the Cats About Town walking tours, available in three New York City neighborhoods, that celebrate notable cats in the area's history.
In his State of the City address, the mayor focused on safety and affordability and only briefly alluded to his own ...
"how New York City has made history, and continues to do so — highlighting the achievements driven by the creativity and resilience of the five boroughs and its people." "For four centuries ...
Development of Latino studies is just getting underway. The City Council has partnered with the United Way of New York City, ...
as set down in a journal by former scientists at New York’s American Museum of Natural History. At the novel’s start, in a city that’s not yet fully flooded, those scientists and their ...
The New York Public Library celebrated the return of a copy of Igor Stravinsky's 1936 autobiography 72 years after it was last checked out.
In 1961, a young Bob Dylan would arrive in New York and change the course of folk history forever. But where was his first gig in the city?
If you’re familiar with the Broken Windows theory of policing, you may have learned of it, perhaps indirectly, from Malcolm ...
A book was returned to the NYPL after 72 years, sparing the borrower's son late fees as the library abolished fines in 2021.