What the visiting journalists weren’t told—nor were many of the soldiers living at the station, which could house up to ...
An executive order said the United States faced a “catastrophic threat” from advanced aerial weapons. But a defense system ...
Researchers from Kyushu University, Japan have revealed how a special type of force within an atom's nucleus, known as the ...
The Doomsday Clock, a concept designed by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to represent humanity’s proximity to a global catastrophe, is being updated Tuesday.
Military elimination of a nuclear enterprise requires military defeat and, optimally, occupation of the nuclear aspiring ...
Self-driving cars still get into accidents on highways, an environment for which there is abundant data to train algorithms, ...
The estimated price for cleaning up leftover radioactive waste along Coldwater Creek in neighborhoods around Hazelwood ...
Once China produced weapons-grade uranium, it assembled its first atomic bomb in as little as three to five weeks. Iran may ...
America elected President Trump to defend it while saving taxpayers money. We must discuss why this is not only good defense ...
Despite the cost-of-living crisis, Australian Labor PM Anthony Albanese says that spending $246 billion on US nuclear ...
In a pioneering approach to achieve fusion energy, the SMART device has successfully generated its first tokamak plasma. This ...