People in the area may hear noise, as the USDA is using a net launcher that makes a bang because it uses a blank rifle cartridge.
Residents across Pennsylvania are asked to help report flocks of turkeys for a survey this winter, but why is it important?
Extirpated from Pennsylvania for 100 years, the fisher is a forest-dwelling member of the weasel family with a long body and ...
Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.) took the threat of avian flu head-on at a town hall at the 109th annual Pennsylvania Farm Show, ...
Early morning daybreak hours in the west end of Allentown have turned into a scene reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s “The ...
Thunderbirds are great spirits said to control the weather, according Native American myth. And a few have been spotted in ...
A cloud hangs over organized predator hunts, and they have been banned in several states, including New York. However, they ...
Avian influenza is suspected in the death of about 200 snow geese found last week in the greater Allentown area, according to ...
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A rare bird was spotted in Ohio, being documented in the Buckeye State for potentially the very first ...
Newswatch 16's Emily Kress stopped by Pocono Wildlife to see how this disease is impacting more than just snow geese.
At least 30 organized predator hunts are scheduled across Pennsylvania and hunters are eager to participate. Hunts began this ...