The bear, affectionately known by neighbors as Barry, was ultimately lured into a trap with apples, peanut butter and rotisserie chicken Shyla Watson is a digital news editor at PEOPLE.
Ever since Kendrick Lamar declared "I choose violence" in March of last year, he and Drake have hurled a barrage of diss tracks back and forth, escalating a rap feud that had been brewing for years.
The “bio-energetic” model developed by the researchers tracks the amount ... of individual polar bears – from cub to adulthood – and compares it to four decades of monitoring data from the Western ...
The de-icing properties of polar bear sebum could fuel new innovations, scientists say, potentially unlocking alternatives to harmful “forever chemicals” used in ice-resistant coatings today ...
After researching, scientists found that a polar bear's hair is coated in a natural grease containing cholesterol and fatty acids, which repels ice and snow from sticking to them. Inside Edition ...
This is the official repository of Polar's software development kit. With this SDK you are able to develop your own Android and iOS applications for sensors and watches made by Polar.
At least 12 train passengers were killed in western India Wednesday after being struck by another train on an adjacent track after they jumped from their coaches in panic to escape a rumored fire ...
Toomas Õmblus, who heads up the agency's Pärnu office, said: "This morning, we were informed by Pärnu City Government that some maintenance workers had spotted bear tracks on the beach. They asked if ...
Canada's newest $1 coin, featuring an adorable polar bear cub, will delight collectors and nature lovers alike. The Royal Canadian Mint is selling a 2025 Baby Gift Card set. The set includes five ...
since she was about to run it dressed as a polar bear. But the PE teacher, from Worcestershire, not only crossed the finish line in under five hours, she set the world record for the fastest ice ...
Bear tracks are not uncommon in the soft sediments of the caves of the Iberian Peninsula, and many speleologists are familiar with their presence. "However, until now, these fossil traces had not ...