“It is with regret that I make known that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has passed away at 9:34 a.m. at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican,” reads the official Vatican note, in six language ...
Francis explained that as he began his pontificate in 2013, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI gave him a large white box filled with documents “relating to the most difficult and painful situations ...
By the time Betgoglio was planning to retire, Pope Benedict XVI stunned the world in 2013 ... and how the pope emeritus handed him a large white box. There was speculation at the time that it ...
“I have arrived this far, taken these actions, removed these people, now it’s your turn,” said Benedict XVI ... he was elected pope. He has already dictated how his funeral will go.
In his letter on hope, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote that “Hope never stands still, it is always journeying.” (15-16) And so, we can never get too comfortable and stop growing in our ...
the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, and the conclave that elected him as Pope Francis”. It continued that Francis “reopens the treasure chest of his memories to recount these moments that ...
The Pope appealed to St. Benedict for help "to hold firm Christ's central position in our lives. May he always be first in our thoughts and in all our activities!" Before concluding, Benedict XVI ...
A traditionalist Catholic bishop whose denial of the Holocaust created a scandal when Pope Benedict XVI rehabilitated him has ...
ROME (AP) — Richard Williamson, an ultra-traditionalist Catholic bishop whose denial of the Holocaust created a scandal in 2009 when Pope Benedict XVI rehabilitated him and other members of his ...