Brooks Jr.'s family says Kelly and his staff have not reached out since the former LSU captain underwent emergency surgery to ...
Cerebellar Mutism Syndrome (CMS) is a complex condition that can occur in children following the surgical removal of tumors located in the posterior fossa, particularly medulloblastomas.
The progress made in first-trimester scanning has greatly broadened the ability to identify fetal structural abnormalities ...
A young mother and gymgoer died following chiropractor treatment on her neck pain after “she felt a crack to her neck” while ...
“Unfortunately, it was too late. Mr. Geller was no longer considered a candidate for lifesaving direct posterior fossa decompression given his significantly deteriorated neurological status,” Bogoroch ...
for it is notable that section of the sensory root near the pons through the posterior fossa produces a homolateral herpetic eruption in an estimated 10 to 15 per cent of cases, 17,18 and ...
In the 91 patients with available imaging results, stroke lesions were present in the anterior fossa in 55% (50 of 91) and the posterior fossa in 41% (37 of 91; 23 cerebellar, 14 brainstem). In 69 ...
2 3 Posturally evoked vomiting is generally poorly known as a warning symptom of a posterior fossa lesion and is often misinterpreted.5 Whereas it has been documented in patients with posterior fossa ...
These image quality enhancements improve assessment of hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke lesions, particularly in the upper supratentorial and posterior fossa of the brain. All patients with acute ...
Background Arteriovenous malformation (AVM)-associated aneurysms represent a high-risk feature predisposing them to rupture. Infratentorial AVMs have been shown to have a greater incidence of ...
Similarly, based on our experience with this population, we evaluated the following neurosurgical interventions: craniocervical fusion (CCF), posterior fossa decompression (PFD), tethered cord release ...