This massive Resident Evil 3 Nemesis bust is awesome and it's life-sized to boot, but it's also more than a little expensive.
Is there a Resident Evil 5 Remake? After the success of the remakes for Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4, it seems like a no brainer that Capcom would want to keep the ball rolling with Resident Evil 5. So, ...
As one of our resident wardrobe-basics experts, I’ve learned that a good white T-shirt is easy to find, but a truly great one — one that hits the marks on comfort and durability as well as ...
Nemesis is one of Resident Evil's most iconic villains ... the standard white button-up shirt, loose tie, and dress pants - a look similar to True Detective’s Rust Cohle. This is quite unlike ...
While it could also count as a reboot or simply another chapter to the saga, 2013’s Evil Dead is widely considered among the best horror remakes ever in the way it pays homage to what made the ...
Resident Evil movies are bad ... if you can’t help but laugh at things like Nemesis bursting through the wall – his first big screen appearance is one for the history books. There are 11 Resident Evil ...
While Sony launched the PlayStation Store “Holiday Sale” last month, it seems more games have been added without any announcement. By our count, there are 99 items added to the sale, and we’ve updated ...
on Tuesday described the practice of requiring people to remove their upper garments (such as shirts) before entering temples as a "social evil," a tradition that must be abolished. The ...