After 06:00, Fedorov reported that the Russian missile attack on Zaporizhzhia had claimed one life, killing a 47-year-old man. Updated: At 07:30, Fedorov reported that the number of injured had ...
A Russian strike on Ukraine's central city of Kryviy Rih has killed four and injured seven. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy says the January 17 attack damaged an educational facility and ...
Alexey Zhuravlev, deputy chairman of the Russian State ... could be ready to attack Russia within the next three to four years. “Europe is telling us that by 2028-29, they’ll be ready to fight Russia.
At least three people have been killed in a Russian drone and missile attack on the Ukrainian capital, while three others were killed in the country’s south. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr ...
Yesterday, a Ukrainian drone killed two people in Russia, a two-year-old boy and his mother, during an attack on a residential building in the Belgorod region. Another child and his father were ...