El Banc Sabadell, a més, anuncia que elevarà aquest any el seu suport financer a les llars i empreses del País Valencià, amb un augment de 1.000 milions d'euros en el finançament. La seva previsió és ...
"No conec una entitat del Vallès o més enllà que ofereixi aquesta atenció integral a persones amb malalties neurològiques" "Amb l'infant pots treballar unes coses, però si no ho fas simultàniament amb ...
Thai police said on Friday (Jan 24) that a coordination centre would be set up at the national police headquarters in Bangkok and Chinese authorities plan to set up another one in Thailand's Mae ...
El Consell d'Administració de Banc Sabadell ha aprovat aquest dimecres a la tarda el retorn de la seva seu social a Catalunya ...
The Fredericton performing arts centre, shown in a 3D rendering, is still under construction, but is expected to be finished by late 2026. It will officially be named the Ron & Erma Hawkes Centre ...
In a petition, former students are calling on the province and school district to keep the learning centre's doors open, calling it a life-saving resource for at-risk youth. Desmond Tompkins ...
A small change in BBVA’s takeover offer for Banco Sabadell SA announced Thursday seems to be a correction of a previous oversight, rather than an effort to make it easier for the Spanish bank to ...
BBVA made it slightly easier for its hostile takeover bid for Banco de Sabadell SA to go through by reducing the minimum acceptance it expects from shareholders. Spain’s second-largest lender ...