Sabadell acull aquest divendres una nova edició de la passada ... plaça de la Concòrdia i s'allargarà fins a 2/4 de 8 del vespre al passeig de la Plaça Major. Enguany, els integrants de la Colla Vella ...
Festa Major d’Hivern. Dissabte ... Ball de Bastons i Ball de Garrofins. Acompanyats per la Cobla Sabadell A continuació, traspàs de la bandera dels Tres Tombs a Nil Clusella, acompanyat ...
Carlos Mazón i Salvador Illa han coincidit en un acte a Barcelona per a escenificar un front comú per impulsar el cotxe elèctric ...
Sigui per vandalisme, per una atracció al foc encoratjada per un trastorn psiquiàtric o per altres motius, l’esporàdica crema de contenidors a l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona provoca danys en carrer ...
Este esdeveniment tindrà lloc a la Plaça Major de la ciutat el proper diumenge 9 de febrer des de les nou del matí fins a les dos de la vesprada. L’objectiu principal d’esta fira és ...
Although The Masters is the first golf major of the season, it's also the most-beloved one for many. The 2025 Masters marks the event's 90th iteration, a milestone for the sport and the event held ...
Sabadell moved to convince shareholders it should stay independent on Friday by raising its payout policy to 3.3 billion ...
2025 és Any Marià i Castelló ho celebra rebent a la Mare de Déu del Lledó de nou a la cocatedral de Santa Maria, a la plaça Major, cor de la ciutat i del fervor de la ciutadania per la seua ...
His role as play-by-play broadcaster Harry Doyle in the movie "Major League" combined all of Uecker's talents into one unforgettable performance. Perhaps the greatest part of the Harry Doyle story ...
Bob Uecker really could do it all. The voice of the Milwaukee Brewers who died on Thursday at the age of 90 was a Major League Baseball player for six years. Obviously, he was a legend on the air.
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) -The return of Spanish bank Sabadell's headquarters to Catalonia will be a boost for the region after years of political turmoil, Socialist regional leader Salvador Illa ...
The main square, called the Plaça Major, has outdoor cafes, and the surrounding streets have bars, shops and small hotels. A century ago, Pollença was a mecca for writers, painters and musicians ...