Sailor Moon's Death Busters arc introduces viewers to the prestigious Mugen Academy. The academy was created by a renowned professor, Souichi Tomoe. The elite private school educates children of all ...
David Lynch, who left us last week, demonstrated that if you made something fascinating enough, it doesn’t need to be ...
The most notable shows on the channel are Code Geass, KonoSuba, Yuru Camp, and Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches. Ani-One ULTRA members can ... the complete seasons of Death Note, Inuyasha, and Sailor ...
A Japanese musical based on the popular "Sailor Moon" franchise, "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live" will play U.S.
A Japanese musical adaptation of the hit manga and anime franchise “Sailor Moon” will launch a North American tour this spring, playing nearly 20 cities on a route that begins in Pittsburgh in ...
Sailor Moon fans in the US will be able to watch an official live stage performance in March! Stage performances for anime or manga series (Sailor Moon included) are quite common in Japan ...
The Super Live, the worldwide smash-hit 2.5D musical sensation based on the wildly popular manga, will arrive in Minneapolis.
Centenary Stage Company’s NEXTStage Repertory is currently in rehearsals for their production of William Shakespeare’s The ...
December is coming to an end with a "black moon" on Monday night, Dec. 30, but those hoping to see the phenomenon will be out of luck. That's because a black moon is the term for the second new ...