The SCFA (short chain fatty acid ... It does appear, however, that the mucosal medication concentration and/or contact time may be important for the topical agents to work. This suggests that ...
Contrary to general cognition, the impact of these DF on the concentration of SCFAs in the ileal digesta of the pigs was greater than that in the colon. Although the absolute concentration of acetate, ...
The prebiotic effect of a given PS therefore depends on its ability to stimulate beneficial bacteria exerting directly or indirectly, through the production of SCFA, beneficial effects for health, or ...
40 For in vitro experiments, KYNA and XANA were used at a concentration of 10–1000µM. HT-29 (10 000 cells per well, plated 72 hours before the experiment) or Jurkat cells (200 000 cells per well, ...
Correspondence to Dr Hein M Tun, HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China; heinmtun{at}; Professor Francis ...