Representatives of a private company interested in taking over the running of Dudley's three main leisure centres were ...
A massive former leisure centre site in Dudley has been sold for £1.7m paving the way for a potential development.
DUDLEY Council is set to consider a big change in how the borough is governed by looking at introducing town councils.
A LEISURE centre which is set to be demolished and re-built will not open until at least 2027, a Midland council has said.
Leisure centre users can expect to be paying more ... could be hiked by 10 per cent which means at weekends it would rise to £990 while room hire at Stourbridge Town Hall on Saturday or Sunday could ...
Leisure centre users can expect to be paying more ... which means at weekends it would rise to £990 while room hire at Stourbridge Town Hall on Saturday or Sunday could go up by 11 percent ...
READ MORE: Midland mum, 46, who 'thought she had diabetes diagnosed with incurable cancer' READ MORE: Teenager, 17, 'attacked during Stourbridge ... for under-threat leisure centres A 20mph ...