Palamu district police have struck a blow to the crime network of the gangster Sujit Sinha. Police pre-empted a crime going to happen in an organized way. It was a very challenging and arduous ...
Renu Mukherjee is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Mukherjee’s research focuses on education, affirmative action, public interest groups, and political and policy attitudes among racial and ethnic ...
Who would they find to create 50 spectacular garments in 30 days and put together a theatrical show? They called Sabyasachi Mukherjee. The dream is to become a $2 billion-dollar brand by 2030. That’s ...
Shreya Mukherjee is a senior editor at NewsBytes. With a deep passion for the world of entertainment, Shreya brings you the latest updates, exclusive scoops, and engaging stories from the realm of ...