Here at Exchange Rates UK we like to innovate and as such bring ... We would also like to offer other webmasters the ability to have some great currency tools on their own websites.
The US Dollar (USD) complex is higher again to start the week. Stocks have fallen back to pre-election levels. The USD/JPY exchange rate is in the 158-160 area where the BoJ intervened last year.
The currency has reportedly been among the worst-performing for a few years, mainly due to high inflation, a depressed ...
UK government bond yields surged to their highest level in years and the pound hit a 14-month low against the dollar as ...
Britain’s latest debt turmoil contains the seeds of its own solution. The recent surge in bond yields exposed the UK’s ...
The GBP/USD exchange rate is in its third consecutive week of losses as the US dollar strength gains steam. It has crashed to ...