The Transformers franchise centers on the struggle between good Autobots and evil Decepticons. Among the Autobot faction, ...
In the decades since the end of the cherished newspaper strip, audiences continue to find reasons to chuckle and cheer over ...
Moral evangelists in power preaching about democracy and human rights resemble dowdy advocates of family values. When given a chance, they will wander, leaving their principles aside like unwanted ...
Matt Davies is Newsday’s Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist.
For more than half of 2024, the view for the sailors aboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) or one of the destroyers ...
Thinking completely inside the box is pretty par for the course for most franchise movie making. Studios tend to have lists ...
Other favorite topics for cartoonists in 2024 included commentary on the rise of artificial intelligence, affordable housing ...
Dave Whamond offers a thought-provoker that would make a good prompt for a government seminar. The Founders took steps to prevent an immigrant from heading the government, but they assumed a nation ...
I t was the summer of 2015 when former president Jimmy Carter revealed a dire diagnosis: melanoma had spread to his liver and ...
Not sure either event is particularly “inspiring” except to the wrong people, but Brewster Rockit (Tribune) does a good job ...
Cartoon by Dana Summers for Dec. 31, 2024.
Dillon said he was more aligned with people such as Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter than Ramaswamy on the issue of visa programs for foreign workers.