Church of the Apostles, which was previously housed in a Bridgeport synagogue, moved to the former location of Long Hill ...
Divergent theological beliefs about a failed assassination of Donald Trump was the most-read news article at BNG in 2024.
Join us from 6pm to 8pm every week for community night. Refreshments served. For more information: 732-1559;
Pastors Marlin and James Good marked their first anniversary, both as a married couple and as a congregation, in spring 2024.
As the season of Advent draws to a close, four local clergy have offered their perspectives of the importance of Advent as it ...
Faith Episcopal Church, 1437 Southwest Parkway: The Faith Episcopal Church, formerly the Episcopal Church in Wichita Falls, ...
Three United Methodists were killed Dec. 15 when a church in Nigeria was attacked allegedly by supporters of the Global ...
For over a decade, Hope United Methodist Church has provided free Christmas dinners for those in need, a tradition that ...
Across faiths and across the globe, prominent individuals whose legacies are likely to continue to shape their ministries and ...
Calvary United Methodist Church in West Philadelphia recently received historic protections despite the protestations of the ...
The warming station previously established at the Gastonia Farmers Market will now be located at First United Methodist ...
To truly “light a candle,” reach out to a person of another faith, or no faith, with a word of encouragement or an act of ...