The Bombay High Court has directed the Khadakpada police in Kalyan to preserve the CCTV footage of December 18 and 19, 2024, ...
Most Indian homes are used to incense sticks and dhoop being burned, and the fragrance fills every corner. Since time ...
Whether you’re a seasoned host or this is your first time observing, any of these bowls, plates, and candle holders are a ...
But frozen fish or fish sticks were rarely on the menu at home. So, I was able to approach this fishy taste test with fresh eyes. Diving right in, I rounded up six different brands of fish sticks from ...
The blaze reportedly started from an incense stick burning in a cattle shed. The fire engulfed the house of one Dhiren Mallik of the village. Residing in an isolated area surrounded by fields, Dhiren ...
The extension stick for Touch ‘n Go (TNG) card is a must-have accessory for a lot of drivers out there, no matter how technologically advanced their cars are. TNG has never released such an accessory ...
Incense is a material that emits a fragrant aroma when burned. The Latin verb for ‘to burn’ is where the word ‘incense’ originates. Since ancient times, incense has been a part of religious ceremonies ...