The film primarily follows Thomas (Nicholas Hoult) a salesman who must leave his wife Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp) to travel to Transylvania and meet with the reclusive Count-Orlock (Bill Skarsgard).
Think all vampire tales are dreamy? Think again. The Twilight Saga might have swooned audiences with its glamorous immortals, but not every story paints such a pretty picture. In fact, vampire lore ...
Warner Bros. Pictures just gave us a second trailer for Ryan Coogler’s upcoming film “Sinners,” giving a bit more insight to ...
These include monstership —as in, “Your monstership”; bemonster, meaning “to treat someone like a monster”; monsterfy, “to ...
Vampire Film to Soon Hit the Stage. 1987's box-office hit horror film, The Lost Boys, will soon be coming to Broadway as a ...
From Christopher Lee to Bela Lugosi, Dracula has had many portrayals for over 100 years, with some managing to be scarier ...
Ryan Coogler's "Sinners" features Michael B. Jordan in dual roles and facing down a mysterious threat, which seemingly is... vampires?
Coogler also cited Salem’s Lot by Stephen King as an inspiration for Sinners, which was shot on Ultra Panavision cameras. The ...
Black Panther and Creed director Ryan Coogler reunites with longtime collaborator Michael B. Jordan for Sinners, one of the ...
He has now told GQ Spain about how he doesn't believe claims the series damaged the bloodsucking horror genre: "I love that people keep telling me, 'Man, 'Twilight' ruined the vam ...
That said, as someone who has followed Eggers from the very beginning of his brief yet incredible career up to this point, I ...