Obese people get into a vicious cycle when they overeat to compensate ... This may explain why obesity typically shows a chronic course and is resistant to treatment," he added.
and then obesity causes even more stress on the body and more deficiencies. It’s a vicious cycle most can’t escape from.
The statistics continue to be alarming, with no indication that the global rise in obesity is slowing. The real question ...
Starting with heart disease, which is the number one killer of US men and women, the vicious cycle of obesity/diabetes/metabolic syndrome/sleep apnea/hypertension prevails across most specialties.
Obesity can increase the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The two share a vicious cycle which makes it hard for the affected person to come out from. For those affected by both ...
Obesity can significantly disrupt their digestive ... driving them to eat more in an attempt to feel satisfied. This creates ...