Australian DJ Tigerlily (real named Dara Kristen Hayes) revealed why she opted to wear a blue wig to her DJ sets rather than dye her hair blue.
From the larger-than-life Afros of the 1970s to the finger waves and French rolls of the 1990s, Black natural hair movements ...
And while the water and grass starters Blastoise and Venusaur have gotten a fair amount of love, it’s nothing that matches ...
Steven Schenberg, better known as "HusbandTikTok," said TikTok is now a platform on which men can "show how to be good dads." ...
Scientists say the sea is the world's largest battery; off the coast of the United States alone, the theoretical annual energy potential of the waves is estimated at 2.64 trillion kilowatt-hours ...
In a New York Times column from March 2000 entitled “Kiss My Head”, arguably the greatest baldness-related article of all time, Larry David wrote: “People are always telling bald men how ...
The Makin Waves Song of the Week is “Man of Manzanita” from Nefesh Mountain’s forthcoming double LP, “Beacons.” PHOTO COURTESY OF NEFESH MOUNTAIN Since late summer, Montclair-based ...
I have officially joined the bald ... bald men are talented and have vocals like Sauti Sol's Bien. Kennar then cheekily called upon Bien’s manager and wife, Chiki Kuruka, to take him up as the next ...
7. Robert Ross, @tik.stocks Tips on the stock market Followers: 389,900 Robert Ross is a professional stock analyst whose content ranges from explaining the math behind meme stocks to the best ...
With J.C. Staff releasing a string of new character posters, One-Punch Man season three might be making a comeback shortly. Unfortunately, the return from the grave might only be temporary as ...