4 ways to stay calm — even if you don't know what’s going on The experts agree: If you’re having intense feelings of anxiety and uncertainty about what’s going on, talking to a therapist ...
But we need to think about each and every step. At the moment, it’s easy to focus on the future and worry about how we’re going to claw our way out of this pandemic. “All of that’s irrelev ...
I must have parrotted the words, “just keep washing your hands,” about a thousand times in the last week. I’ve written them in articles, I’ve typed them into WhatsApp, and I’ve said them ...
Progressive Muscle Relaxation This technique is also called PMR. It involves tensing up certain muscles while inhaling, ...
Of course, the best way to handle these kinds of situations is to stay calm and talk things through. But that’s easier said than done, largely thanks to the way our brains work. Indeed ...
Many a calm river begins as a turbulent waterfall, yet none hurtles and foams all the way to the sea Russian poet ... It is better to stay calm and select our words carefully as Rumi, the 13th ...
This way, no matter what else happens ... Here’s an example: "Stay calm. Do not react. Stay calm. Do not react." Just keep repeating it to yourself as long as necessary to fight the urge ...
A cool head in a crisis can make all the difference, and the best way to stay calm is to prepare. When evacuation orders come, focusing on the six P’s can save lives and reduce stress.