Applications for licenses to hunt in Wyoming this year are open. The deadlines for elk, deer, pronghorn, moose, bighorn sheep ...
The CallAir snowplane, built in Afton, was a revolutionary vehicle. It made it possible to deliver mail, supplies and ...
Grand Prismatic Spring ascended from a beautiful backwater spot to the second most popular destination in Yellowstone ...
According to a post on the KWEC Facebook page, Sartore photographed three animals during his recent visit to add to the ...
Much of the far right has embraced “regenerative agriculture” — a squishy term that broadly refers to farming practices that ...
A Wyoming bill that sought to allow landowners to sell their big-game tags died. Hunters there have said it's a step in the ...
Senate File 118 would allow Wyoming landowners to generate some extra cash by creating a new market for the special hunting ...
One proposal would grant some licensed elk hunters free ‘coupons,’ authorizing them to hunt for grizzlies outside the Greater ...
House Bill 286, “Mountain lion hunting season-changes,” would throw out the fundamental structure of current lion management: ...
A bill that would deregulate killing and mandate trapping throughout the state stems from concerns over struggling mule deer, ...
Locals are furious with Wyoming legislators after they refused to outright ban people from purposely running over wildlife with snowmobiles and other vehicles. State politicians are attempting to ...