The original X-Men movie cast has stayed busy in the industry post-release, with Hugh Jackman reprising Wolverine in 2024. X-Men set the stage for Marvel's success in film, exploring themes of ...
Men’s best sword fighters, as highlighted by X-Men '97, which makes it strange the comics are downplaying his skills.
It seems like it is certainly not impossible to simply go back to the original FOX X-Men cast, despite it first starting 20+ years ago. Tell me which of these actors would be “disqualified ...
Wicked star Cynthia Erivo has revealed her next dream role is to play Storm from X-Men in a Marvel Studios film.
Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshiped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel's X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal ...
It's 2025, so iconic films including "X-Men" and "Cast Away" are turning 25 this year. That means it's over two decades since Hugh Jackman first played Wolverine in the "X-Men" franchise and it ...
“Basically, the hook of X-MEN: AA would be the following… NEVER BEFORE REVEALED! THE FINAL EXAM! That’s the way to sell it… that this previously untold tale examines the original X-Men ...