Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
The photo-realistic computer-generated animals may have technically improved since the 2019 "Lion King," but they still aren't movie stars like their 2D animation counterparts.
This movie is as much about Scar, one of the greatest Disney villains, as it is about Mufasa, the title character. Read why.
The Lion King,” I eagerly watched every trailer posted on YouTube. I was excited to finally examine Disney’s revelation of ...
Ever since 90s kids learned about the Circle of Life, there have been few other titles to touch that level of Disney ...
The Lion King I looked up what lions eat in the wild. The answer is just about anything, with zebra high on the list. No one shared this fact sheet with the creators of this movie, which runs for two ...
Barry Jenkins is too good a director to disappear altogether inside the creative limitations of “Mufasa: The Lion King.” This ...
Fọlákẹ́ Olówófôyekù is just like Us when it comes to watching the heartbreaking death of Mufasa in 1994's The Lion King.
Fọlákẹ́ Olówófôyekù is just like Us when it comes to watching the heartbreaking death of Mufasa in 1994’s The Lion King.
The appearance of the Outsiders, a band of vicious white lions lorded over by the expansionist King Kiros (Mads Mikkelsen), ...
Brimming with colorful, vibrant experiences, Disney Cruise Line's new, 4,000-passenger Disney Treasure officially debuted ...