WILLIS, MI – Sylvia Taylor had a long career as a scientist for the state of Michigan.
“I love learning about the creative and unique ways people all over the world have long peacefully co-existed with their ...
Kate Rodriguez-Clark is an animal matchmaking guru. Among her responsibilities as a population ecologist for the Smithsonian, ...
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the ...
Labrador mix alerts his owner, a fisheries technician, to the presence of brown bears while he works salmon streams.
With questions, call 814-787-5173 or email Ben Porkolab, ConEd@kecaus.com, or Emma Walters, ConEdSp@kecaus.com. If you have any questions, please call the Conservation Education Department at (814) ...
It spans from the earliest days of grizzly bear biology in the United States (a field pioneered by the famous Craighead ...
Research biologist and former wildlife manager Wesley Sarmento started using drones to chase bears away from people, and ...
You know, for a valley that prides itself so much on being “close to nature,” color me amazed at how many of our residents ...
Living outdoors in freezing winter weather is a challenge for all animals.
Much like airfryers, people feel very strongly about robotic vacuum systems – and in particularly those from iRobot, the US ...
Wyoming has managed mountain lions in a way that promotes their existence, using regulations that have allowed the native felines to bounce back from extreme scarcity. Cougars were ...