Bullseye, NASA and Hubble

Just like fingerprints and snowflakes, no two galaxies in the entire Universe are exactly alike. But a new discovery 567 ...
Around 50 million years ago, a blue dwarf galaxy shot through the center of an enormous galaxy more than twice the size of ...
NASA says the "bullseye" galaxy is two and a half times the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy.
The Bullseye is now confirmed to have nine rings, eight of which are visible to Hubble. Researchers confirmed the existence ...
A small blue dwarf galaxy passed through the massive Bullseye galaxy. This impact created nine rings of new stars.
The Hubble Telescope took a snapshot of what astronomers are calling the Bullseye Galaxy. The distant galaxy contains nine ...
What would be your idea of the best collaboration? If you thought about anything else other than the Target x Bogg Bagg collaboration, you’re wrong and we’ll tell you why. Bogg Bag has become a social ...
Strib Voices publishes a mix of material from 11 contributing columnists, along with other commentary online and in print ...