The causes of peeling paw pads in dogs are several and often warrant close investigation so to tackle the underlying cause. Paw pad injuries in dogs require close attention considering that dogs are ...
Aspiration pneumonia in dogs is a serious condition that requires veterinary attention and several days of intensive care. How do dogs get this condition in the first place? Following is some ...
To stop a newborn puppy from crying, you ultimately need to listen to him. Carefully evaluate what the problem may be with this troubleshooting guide. Is your newborn puppy crying itself to sleep? Are ...
Retriever dogs fall under the gun dog category, dogs bred to work along hunters carrying out several different tasks. Today, we will be discovering more about retriever dogs, the kind of work they ...
A dog pooping while asleep is not only a messy ordeal, but it can also cause dog owners to worry about what is causing this problem in the first place. Discover several reasons behind dogs pooping ...
Many dogs look like bears and that explains why you'll stumble on many dogs called Teddy, Barney or Winnie. Whether it's their long snouts, fuzzy hairs or pristine white coats, some bear-looking dog ...
To prevent sinking in the snow, the snowshoe distributes the person's weight over a larger area. The snowshoes are also built in such as way as to not accumulate snow as people walk. Snowshoes are ...
A dog breed who walks over sheep may seem like something coming out of some Disney movie or just a dog who has learned a weird trick, but this dog breed is for real. Discover why this dog breed ...
To better understand the function of the dog's carpal pads, it helps to firstly learn more about paw pads. Discover more about canine paw anatomy and the fascinating function of carpal pads in dogs.
A safe chocolate for dogs may sound odd, especially after we have been warned for many years about the dangers chocolate poses to our dogs. Turns out, this simple ingredient has been used by many dog ...
If your dog's vomit smells like poop, you are right to be concerned. Normally, dog vomit shouldn't smell like it came out from the dog's behind. Discover what can cause a dog's vomit to develop a ...
Killing parvovirus in your yard and home isn't an easy task. This virus is very hardy and can resist common disinfectants. Veterinarian Dr. Lopez shares the best way to kill parvo from the home and ...