Location of this list entry and nearby places that are also listed. Use our map search to find more listed places. The National Heritage List for England is a unique register of our country's most ...
"Attributes convey the potential Outstanding Universal Value and enable an understanding of that value. These attributes will be the focus of protection and management actions, and institutional ...
The protection and management system for a World Heritage property reflects all the measures put in place to ensure its status can be maintained. To demonstrate Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), each ...
Under paragraph 172 of the Operational Guidelines the UNESCO World Heritage Committee asks to be informed of the State Party's intention to undertake or authorise in an area protected under the World ...
As 2024 draws to a close, Historic England is celebrating 17 remarkable and unusual historic buildings and places that have been granted protection over the past year. Among the newly listed historic ...
The Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Potential (DEEP) project investigated thermal improvements made to solid walled homes in Yorkshire. It compared the cumulative benefit and risks of individual ...
Auditing and monitoring workforce diversity is an important tool for inclusion. Auditing workforce diversity can highlight gaps in representation and help uncover why these gaps exist. It can also ...
Part of the Heritage Counts series. 6 minute read. Retaining, using, and appropriately adapting our historic buildings can be a key part of the solution for lower carbon emissions (Historic England, ...
Significant information gaps exist in our understanding of the built environment in conservation areas. Common measures of energy performance, such as Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings, ...
Buildings are the UK's second-highest carbon-emitting sector, accounting for 76 MtCO2e or 17% of total UK emissions in 2022 or 23% of total emissions if electricity consumption is included (indirect ...
Part of the Heritage Counts series. 8 minute read. A low carbon economy offers the potential for significant employment and wealth creation. In this article, we explore the evidence of how the ...
Your chance to have a say on advice and guidance documents we've published in draft. Your feedback will help us make our advice and guidance useful. A draft revision to Marine Geophysics Data ...