Danny Dorling giving a short keynote at the British Sociological Association Annual Conference (on-line in a time of Covid19) on April 24th 2020. Click play below to hear the talk and just scroll down ...
They might think they are comfortably well-off. But middle-income Britons are poorer relative to the super-wealthy than their counterparts anywhere else in Europe – a phenomenon largely blamed on the ...
My Jericho: Danny Dorling on Keir's first 100 days ...
When inequality is high people lose face, they lose confidence, they suffer from comparisons in which it is implied that the vast majority warrant little or no respect. Improvements in life expectancy ...
Comprehensive schools have improved our lives. The evidence that they are better for our children and for all of us is overwhelming. Which is why 60 organisations, including the Royal Society for the ...
This is the third book in a long running series, each one (and much else besides) initiated by the Radical Statistics Group. In 1979, the first book, Demystifying Social Statistics, revealed how ...
No-one plucks the heart strings like Danny Dorling, but he does it with devastating facts and graphs. This searing book spells out British children’s lives, divided by the deepest inequality since the ...
Geographer Danny Dorling tells the stories of the people who live along The 32 Stops of the Central Line to illustrate the extent and impact of inequality in Britain today - part of a series of twelve ...
Audio recording of the Keynote Lecture given by Danny Dorling at the annual British Society for Population Studies conference, Winchester, September 12th 2018 The lecture is illustrated, parts are ...
Housing was at the heart of the financial collapse, and our economy is now precariously reliant on the housing market. In this groundbreaking new book, Danny Dorling argues that housing is the ...
In: Eilidh Garrett, Chris Galley, Nicola Shelton and Robert Woods (eds), Infant Mortality: A Continuing Social Problem A volume to mark the centenary of the 1906 publication of Infant Mortality: A ...
What does the world look like when you map it using data? Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at the University of Oxford, invites us to see the world anew with 7 beautiful and ...