This statement sets out the University’s commitment to the aims and principles of Open Research. We explain what it is and why it is important. We encourage our research community to explore the ...
We use cookies on to improve your experience. Find out more about our cookie policy. By continuing to use our site you accept these terms, and are happy for us to use cookies to improve ...
This is the 2024/25 module catalogue for the Study Abroad Programme. Please note that you should only choose modules from this catalogue. Only modules from this catalogue will be available to choose ...
Join two Reading alumni, John and Lindsay Mullaney, for a talk on Reading Abbey, followed by Afternoon Tea. The talk by John and Lindsay will look at the history of the Abbey and include some of the ...
Abstract: We propose a coefficient of conditional dependence between two random variables Y and Z given a set of other variables X1,…,Xp, based on an i.i.d. sample. The coefficient has a long list of ...
Get a taste of what studying Business and Management at our triple accredited, Henley Business School, could be like. Chat to students and academics about our courses, see where you’d study, where you ...
We've put together all the essential items in one place so you can see what the 5-stage process is each time that you work through us!
Dr Amy Pearson will speak about the history of autism and stigmatising narratives, why understanding stigma is crucial for understanding masking and how we can encourage authenticity in a world where ...
I welcome PhD students with a background in social sciences who are interested in developing projects that take a multidisciplinary approach to explore topics such as consumer behaviour, the ...
Welcome to People Development’s UoRLearn Content Upload Support. Alongside this we can assist with collating and providing reports on your training so you can monitor completions. Please note People ...