Bendetson Hall, Tufts University, Medford MA, 02155. It's an address burned into the mind of every aspiring Jumbo as they mail off their application materials and likely still, if they're lucky, when ...
A recent outreach program by the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, in conjunction with the city of Somerville, is proving to be successful as researchers release their findings. The ...
The daughter of two actors, freshman Imogen Browder came to Tufts looking for a break from the theater. Throughout high school, she participated in numerous theater productions in addition to creating ...
Students looking to purchase papers or surreptitiously copy a few lines of a scholarly article into their own would be advised to refrain from doing so - at least for a while longer. District court ...
There's not a lot to smile about in America's rainiest city. The Seattle SuperSonics have started the year with a 2-9 record and those two wins were hardly remarkable. The first came last week over a ...
At Vulvapalooza, the annual sex fair sponsored by the Women's Center, students can decorate vagina cookies and stock up on free condoms packaged in wrappers that say "I love vaginas" in different ...
Hours after first reading Taylor Barnard's Monday, Feb. 3 op-ed entitled "Responding to the State of the Union" I continue to be exceedingly troubled by its contents - starting with my surprise with ...
The current birth control controversy has been thoroughly politicized, but it is controversial precisely because some people, including the Catholic priesthood and many evangelicals, believe that ...
Boryana Damyanova was a rarity among undergraduates at Tufts' Institute for Global Leadership: She was interested in business. While her colleagues investigated development, poverty and ...
While few claim to leave Dewick-MacPhie or Carmichael Dining Halls with empty stomachs, their bulging pockets might indicate otherwise. And while many students claim to have stolen from the dining ...
Though there are many international students at Tufts, sophomore Constantin Sabet D'Acre stands out in a crowd. Born to an Egyptian father and a Uruguayan mother before growing up in Paris and ...
A new Tufts building is sporting an old-fashioned look - and that's exactly what the contractors who renovated it wanted. Located at 80 George St., the former Lorin Low Dame School now houses around ...