The big news is that the Fed cut rates by 50 basis points yesterday, and the market is dramatically rising. How is your coverage space looking? Dr. Phipps: Well, admittedly, the XBI, which is the ETF ...
Please give me an overview of the company and its services. Mr. Gonen: MediWound is a global leader in next generation enzymatic therapeutics for tissue repair. Our core active pharmaceutical ...
It’s been a few years since you spoke with The Wall Street Transcript. So, let’s start with a brief overview and history of the company. Dr. Itescu: Sure. So, we’re a mature company. We’re listed on ...
Could you tell me about the company? Mr. Keddie: CompuMed is kind of a unique space. We’re in the telemedicine space. We started out, actually, in the early days, building echocardiogram devices, and ...
We spoke about two years ago. How would you compare today’s market to back then? Mr. Vandermosten: Two years ago would have been fall 2022, and I think we had seen about a year of pullback in the life ...
First please introduce your firm and your coverage. You recently said that this is a very problematic market. Why so? What prompts the change in your outlook? Dr. Brozak: I am President of WBB ...
So let’s start with a brief history of the company and its mission. Mr. Pilcher: Sure. So Neuren is an interesting company, which has had a long history and a couple of incarnations. Twenty years ago ...
Please provide an overview of your coverage and the subsectors, cap sizes, and primary names that you follow. Mr. Beatty: I cover biotech. And within biotech, most of my coverage is within the ...
Could you tell me about Premier? Mr. Alkire: Sure. Premier is a health care improvement company. We have two different segments to our business. We have a supply chain segment and a performance ...
Profitability Strategy Pays Off for Bank IT Company Q2 Holdings October 10, 2024 King, Mason D.
Can you tell me about the firm? Mr. King: Sure. Luther King Capital Management is an Investment Company Act of 1940 firm that was established in 1979. We’re based in Fort Worth, Texas, with offices in ...