Bill Spinks, In the wake of a sudden decision by SPCA of Texas to cancel its contract with Ellis ...
Chase Bearden, guest columnist The disability community is closely watching the presidential nominations and Senate ...
Chris Roark, The Waxahachie City Council on Tuesday approved a rezoning request and a developers ...
The sun had disappeared below the western horizon. The distance howls of several packs of coyotes could be heard, one pack ...
He was called “Prince John,” but he was far from royalty. He was part of two losing wars but was popular among his troops.
Staff report Scarborough Renaissance Festival has announced the expansion of its scholarship program in Ellis County and the ...
Staff report Waxahachie ISD released the following statement Friday as it relates to the search for a new superintendent.
Don Drake will relinquish his role as athletic director with Ennis ISD and will replace legendary football coach Sam Harrell, ...
Quality sleep is just as important as diet and exercise for maintaining health, yet many people struggle to get enough.
When my mom and dad opened the doors of their small business in San Antonio just after World War II, they focused on their ...
Bill Spinks Former Southwestern Assemblies of God University head football coach and Midlothian ...
Staff report On Jan. 19 Waxahachie Bible Church honored Glenna Bigham with a corsage in celebration of her 101st birthday.