The old University of the Arts campus is up for sale, but the judge might not approve all for-profit developers bidding for a ...
But sale of the Arts Bank drew objections from the Commonwealth, citing the need to use it for charitable purposes. The ...
Attorney General Michelle Henry said Temple University's bid should take priority over a $6.5 million offer from a ...
At a live auction Tuesday, Curtis Institute offered $7.6 million, the highest bid, for the building, which is less than a ...
Real estate mogul Allan Domb, one of Center City’s largest property owners, is looking to buy one of the former University of ...
The creative force behind '80s and '90s ads with images such as the pope kissing an imam died at a hospital in Tuscany after ...
Toscani suffered from amyloidosis, a disease characterised by a build-up of abnormal protein deposits in the body.
Temple University has made an $18 million bid to buy iconic Terra Hall from the bankrupted University of the Arts. School ...
University president John Fry said the offer for purchasing Terra Hall has been accepted and is awaiting court approval.
Temple University leaders say the school placed a bid for UArts' Terra Hall, located at Broad and Walnut streets.
A Philadelphia real estate player and area theater nonprofit are among the first buyers to step up for the closed arts ...