The private nonprofit that protects Franklin Park says the city of Boston can renovate White Stadium as a “high-quality, ...
The Emerald Necklace Conservancy hired a consultant to draw up a plan for the sports facility that it argues is more in ...
More than 30 residents opposed to Boston’s controversial plan to renovate White Stadium to house a professional soccer team ...
Efforts are being made to increase access to White Stadium, both for BOS Nation games as well as for Boston Public Schools and other community use. When BOS Nation games are being held ...
Franklin Park and White Stadium happen to be located in the heart of Boston’s mostly Black and brown communities. Would park land in any other part of Boston be given up so readily to privatization?
Mayor Wu announced a 10-year White Stadium lease signed with NWSL Boston expansion team BOS Nation FC during a Monday press conference.
LI Boston Mayor Michelle Wu said preparations for the demolition of the dilapidated White Stadium in Franklin Park will begin "very, very shortly," now that the city has signed a lease agreement ...
Boston Public Schools, and the owners of the NWSL expansion team BOS Nation FC have executed a lease agreement that will allow the team to utilize White Stadium as its home venue since its ...
the group bringing a National Women’s Soccer League team to Boston, on White Stadium. The agreement allows for construction to begin on the project that, when completed, will allow White Stadium to be ...