Fastest Tornado Forward Speed | Stormtrack
May 1, 2004 · That this rope out was under the influence of a larger wind field shouldn't discount or be a caveat in counting its forward speed. Tornadoes are always under the influence of the larger wind wind fields they are moving through, and the RFD and adjacent tornadic circulations are likely always influencing a tornado's forward speed.
wind speed charts | Stormtrack
Jan 7, 2008 · What are the most specific and clear wind speed charts and graphs available that follow a clear incremental sequence? I'd like to see something, for instance, that clearly distinguishes between a 120 vs. 130 mph wind. The EF scale gets quite specific with the damage charts for different...
storm and tornado stats | Stormtrack
Dec 31, 2010 · 319- Minimum wind speed for classifying a tornado an an F6 on the Fujita Tornado scale 286-Previous fastest tornado wind speed ever recorded , in 1991, near Red Rock , OK 74- % of all tornadoes classification at either F0 or F1, with wind speeds between 40 and 112 mph 67-% of tornado deaths that resulted from F4 or F5 tornado, with wind speeds ...
Fastest Tornado Forward Speed | Page 2 | Stormtrack
Dec 5, 2020 · During the superoutbreak on April 27,2011 some of the cells and or tornadoes were moving 70 mph or more. Here is one that is you look at how much of the view it covers even before the camera is zoomed in it is about 75 percent …
Why isn't photogrammetry used in tornado windspeed measuring?
Jan 14, 2011 · In those early days of tornado structural-damage research, the “gut feeling” at that time was that most tornado damage that was being observed could be explained with windspeeds at or below the 300 mph velocity range, as compared with a prevailing thought that tornado winds could possibly exceed 500 mph or even Mach 1.
Radar-Sampled versus Damage-Estimated Wind Speeds in …
Oct 7, 2008 · There are not yet sufficient tornado wind speed observations from <15 m ARL to extend the profile...to the standard meteorological observation height of 10m AGL. "Residential structures common in tornado-prone areas typically extend from the ground to only about 3 m (single-story manufactured homes), 5 m (single-story house) or 8 m (two-story ...
Doppler measurement of tornado wind speeds - Stormtrack
May 13, 2006 · We have a hard enough time determining tornado wind speeds to begin with, so any comparative study of tornado winds and 88D would be difficult I would think. The know Dr. Wurman has worked with the DOW data in regards to tornado wind speed (and F-scale rating and damage production, which I think he did on the Spencer SD tornado).
2024 Chase Season Epilogue | Stormtrack
Jan 14, 2011 · The one and only tornado I (probably) saw so far this season was the Calumet, OK tornado on April 27, but thanks to having been caught in a massive chaser jam south of Hinton, I was in a high-speed chaser parade on I-40 at the time of the tornado, trying to catch up while getting glances of the storm through trees and hills.
Flaws in the EF rating system | Stormtrack
Aug 8, 2019 · The EF scale is based on damage, which then relates to estimated wind speed after the damage has already occurred. While it doesn't rid the system completely of subjectivity, not just any NWS personnel can go out and survey tornado damage.
Highest Wind Speeds in Colorado - Stormtrack
Dec 29, 2011 · Interesting that Longs Peak holds the record for the highest winds ever recorded in the state of Colorado at 201 mph! This was a NON-TORNADIC event that was recorded in the Winter of 1981. There are likely wind events with higher wind speeds, however, recording and data keeping only began...