enumerable - How to find a min/max with Ruby - Stack Overflow
Feb 26, 2020 · Ruby is mainly for the programmer not for the computer. In Matz's words "I hope to see Ruby help every programmer in the world to be productive, and to enjoy programming, and to be happy. That is the primary purpose of Ruby language." That's from the Wikipedia page on …
fixnum - Ruby max integer - Stack Overflow
Ruby automatically converts integers to a large integer class when they overflow, so there's (practically) no limit to how big they can be. If you are looking for the machine's size, i.e. 64- or 32-bit, I found this trick at ruby-forum.com :
ruby - Maximum and minimum value in an Array - Stack Overflow
Jun 14, 2014 · I wrote a Ruby code to get max and min values from an array. The code prints the max value (8) correct but it's not printing the minimum value (2). Please let me know what went wrong in my code. c...
ruby - How do I find the index of the maximum value of an array ...
I tried the solution recommended here -- In Ruby, what is the cleanest way of obtaining the index of the largest value in an array? array = [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0.9655172413793104, nil, nil] ...
How to find max in Ruby without using "max" function
Mar 18, 2016 · Firstly, it's almost never a good idea to have a puts in a method that computes the thing that is to be puts.If you instead have the method max simply return the maximum value, you can then write puts max(arr) you have the max available for use elsewhere in your program where you need the value for some other calculation.
Finding the element of a Ruby array with the maximum value for a ...
Nov 7, 2011 · Find max value in a class in ruby. 0. How to get min/max value indices in a Ruby array. 0.
How to find the index of an array which has a maximum value
Oct 21, 2014 · If I do a arr.max I will get the maximum value. But I would like to get the index of the array. How to find it in Ruby For example a = [3,6,774,24,56,2,64,56,34] =>...
In Ruby, what is the cleanest way of obtaining the index of the …
Jan 27, 2010 · We then send max to this enumerator, which does the standard max algorithm on item-index pairs. Array.<=> is implemented so that the first item determines the ordering (unless there's a tie, in which case the second is compared, and so on), so this works basically the same as doing max on an array of the values themselves.
Ruby on Rails: getting the max value from a DB column
SELECT MAX(bar) FROM table_name And it returns with the max value in that table. When I make what I consider to be an equivalent call in Rails, however, it does not work. I am calling: Bar.all(:select => "Max(bar)") This simply returns with: [#<Bar >] In the column I'm calling on is a series of identifying numbers, I'm looking for the largest one.
ruby - Max value within array of objects - Stack Overflow
Sep 17, 2016 · @objs.map(&:val1).max That will invoke the method on each object, and create a new array of the results, and then find the max value. This is shorthand for: @objs.map{ |o| o.val1 }.max Alternatively, you can select the object with the largest value, and then operate on it (as properly recomended by Cary Swoveland below): @objs.max_by(&:val1).val1