How to remove another user's TFS workspace mapping
He had setup workspace and TFS checkout was using alternate authentication. As his credentials are removed from msdn, TFS checkout started choking. Following LarryG's solution helped to remove the workspace. Only difference is, I just used the windows live ID of the person, who left the company. tf workspace /delete myWorkSpaceName;windowsliveID
What is a 'workspace' in Visual Studio Code? - Stack Overflow
That first link explains it really well, in particularly this quote: Multi-root workspaces let developers group a set of disparate project folders into one workspace, instead of having to work with files and folders residing only in a single root folder. This provides a variety of advantages and use cases, such as working on multiple projects ...
Eclipse Workspaces: What for and why? - Stack Overflow
Nov 25, 2012 · Nothing more. Nothing to explain, Everything works fine. But this strange approach in Eclipse is driving me nuts. Usually I work on projects consisting of some sub-projects (UI-Layer, Domain-Layer, Test projects/Unit-Tests). In my opinion it makes sense to have one workspace for such a project (similar to yours, but I don't understand Item 4 ...
How to remove a TFS Workspace Mapping? - Stack Overflow
Apr 3, 2013 · Specify one workspace. Now we have all of the info we need. Given the additional OwernAliases entries, select the unique entry (or repeat if more than one) that you wish to delete and use this following command (a couple examples are listed):
visual studio code - How to create a workspace - Stack Overflow
Look for the "Workspace Settings" tab and select it. Modify a setting, such as change the theme. Then you can save the workspace using "Save" in the File menu. When you close the workspace using "Close Workspace" in the File menu then if you changed the theme for the workspace then the theme should revert to the global theme.
How can I remove all objects but one from the workspace in R?
May 31, 2011 · I have a workspace with lots of objects and I would like to remove all but one. Ideally I would like to avoid having to type rm(obj.1, obj.2... obj.n). Is it possible to indicate remove all obje...
How many Log Analytics workspaces to use for multiple …
Oct 8, 2021 · Microsoft wants to migrate Application Insights to workspace based Application Insights, so I need to create Log Analytic workspace(s). What is the best approach and why: Create single workspace and put all Application Insights into this one workspace? Create separate workspace for each Application Insight instance? Something other?
How do I install dependencies for a single package when using …
Dec 31, 2021 · If I run npm ci --only=production --workspace server it splits the dependencies across ./node_modules and ./server/node_modules. Maybe I should copy (merge?) both node_modules into a build artifact? Another option could be to copy ./package-lock.json and ./server/package.json into a fresh directory and run npm ci --only=production. It does seem ...
Can't remove workspace from TFS - Stack Overflow
Jul 9, 2020 · Please specify one of the following workspace specs:" followed by a list of workspaces. I connect to 2 different TFS servers, one local and one remote. The issue was that I had the same workspace xxx mapped in both instances. After deleting the workspace from one of the TFS servers, things worked as expected –
Eclipse says: “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a …
Dec 13, 2011 · Another possible cause of the “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one” issue is that the real path to your workspace may have changed. In my case, the real location of the workspace had changed, but I had used a symlink to make it look like it was in the same location.